Thursday Night, 30 September 1965Came home from work early tonight as our electricity was off all day at the office and we had no lights or ventilation and it was just miserable. Needless to say, we got very little productive work done and finally Colonel Plate just authorized everybody to close up shop. I sure was glad. Our office has no windows and when the power goes off we try to work by candlelight but the heat is suffocating. The way power failures occur these days, we’d be better off out in a tent somewhere!
Today was also payday and the Army took over the responsibility for paying the Army people. Up until today we have been paid by the Navy and all paydays have been quickly done and efficient. You could tell the Army took over today as we had to stand in pay line for about 3 hours. The Army did not pay in checks like the Navy used to, but rather in scrip (all in $5 bills).
Tonight would be a good time to go down to the Majestic Hotel and have a good supper. That will probably make me feel some better.
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USS Jerome County, LST 848, 1965. (Photo courtesy U.S. Navy) |
Yesterday evening I was invited aboard a Navy ship, LST #848, named the USS Jerome County, by the ship’s captain (a young Lieutenant, senior grade) to have dinner, inspect the ship, and visit with its officers and men. This ship came under my control when we asked CINCPAC for assistance in moving the 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry from Cam Ranh Bay to Saigon. Reckon the young captain felt obliged to extend me some courtesies and I was very pleased with the invitation. Was treated royally to a fine roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, a tour of the ship with introductions all around, an invitation to sit in the captain’s chair (such an invitation means the captain approves of you), and coffee and dessert in the wardroom with the ship’s officers.
You know, kinda think I’m going to miss my steamship company and airline when I turn them over to Colonel Tooley on 15 October. It has been a hard job but there have been rewarding experiences such as this one. The ship has been away from its home station at San Diego for 10 months and is due back home on 17 December. I sure hope they make it for Xmas with their families.
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