Sunday, January 16, 2011

Diary Entry 1: Travis Air Force Base: Wednesday, 9 June 1965

Major Richard P. Clark, Jr., left, and wife Patricia, right, at departure gate, Dannelly Field, Montgomery, Alabama, 8 June 1965.  (Photo courtesy Richard P. Clark, Jr. Collection) 

                                                                                                                     Travis Air Force Base, California
                                                                                                 Wednesday, 9 June 1965

            Finished all my processing and will go aboard aircraft in an hour.  Trip out to San Francisco was uneventful but tiring.  Arrived in San Francisco at and caught bus immediately for Travis.  Hoped to get a room in BOQ, but they were booked up, so spent thenight at motel in Fairfield which is a town right next to the base.
            This morning I was busy getting processed and ready to fly out this p.m.  Will be glad when the traveling is over and I get settled down in Saigon.  Traveling is just plain tiring, no matter whether you go by air, rail, or car.  We fly directly from here to Manila before refueling.  Then it is just a short hop from Manila to Saigon.  Flying by Pan American Airlines in Boeing 707 jet.   That’s the biggest kind.


1 comment:

  1. Just east of Marysville, California, Camp Beale is one of the larger US Air Force bases on the west coast. The air force bases in california by state is really huge.
